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1701 Main Street
Newberry SC


Newberry Reformed Presbyterian Church in Newberry South Carolina


Welcome to Newberry Reformed Presbyterian Church

We seek to live the Christian life in all its fullness, responding to Christ’s call to follow Him. Each new day is an opportunity to walk with God, to love and trust Him with all our heart. Furthermore, we are called to share and teach this incredible truth with others. Learn more about our Newberry Community Bible Study or the Men’s Bible Study.

We were not meant to live the Christian life alone, and so God has designed the Church to be a gathering of people who share their faith and lives with one another. We are a covenant community who meet regularly to worship, study the Scriptures, deepen our fellowship, share our lives, serve, and pray. If you are seeking to grow in your relationship with Christ, come join us! Learn more about our Family Feast.


Like Jesus, we have a passion for reaching the lost. Living by His example and showing love to the needy is a critical part of our life together. There are many needs throughout Newberry, our community, and the world. We are continually praying and seeking the Lord’s guidance for ways to serve and demonstrate His love in tangible ways to those around us. We desire to proclaim the Good News of the Cross in word and deed.