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1701 Main Street
Newberry SC


Newberry Reformed Presbyterian Church in Newberry South Carolina

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Our Leadership

our leadership

Seth Yi

Seth Yi was born and raised in Seoul, South Korea the first six years of his life. After his family moved to the US, they settled in Raleigh, NC where he graduated from North Carolina State University in 1991 with a BS in Math Education. He went on to earn a MDiv from Columbia Biblical Seminary and the Graduate School of Mission (now CIU, Columbia, SC) in 1995. Afterward, Seth served on the staff of the First Presbyterian Church (ARP) Columbia, SC, as a pastoral assistant. In June of 2000, Seth was ordained and called by Catawba Presbytery (ARP) to be the mission developer of the Old Cherokee Rd. Mission in Lexington, SC. Seth then pastored the Arsenal Hill ARP Church in Columbia from 2002 to 2007. In January of 2008, he accepted a call to the Calhoun Presbyterian Church (ARP) in Calhoun, LA to serve as their first pastor. Seth has been the pastor of Newberry Reformed Presbyterian Church since June of 2015. Seth has been married to Allison Tucker Yi (born and raised in Hartsville, SC) since January 1994. They have six children ranging from 28 to 18 years old: Hannah, Caleb (Michaela), Joseph, Noah, Abigail, and Elizabeth.

You can read some articles written by Seth on this page.

session - elders of the church

Elder shall be chosen men of wisdom, discretion, sound faith and godly life, and who are qualified under the standards recorded in Scripture. It is the responsibility of elders, both individually and jointly, to guard and promote the spiritual welfare of the congregation.


JASON McCOY (2024)


diaconate - deacons of the church

To this office should be chosen individuals who are faithful and diligent Christians of good character, of honest repute, exemplary life, brotherly love, sympathetic nature, and sound judgment, who are qualified under the standards recorded in Scripture. It shall be responsible for the congregation’s ministry to those in material need or distress – all such things as can be covered by the term “mercy ministry.”

Adam Petty (2024), Keith Avery (2025), Aaron Eising (2026), Andy Green (2026), Andrew Stevenson (2026)