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1701 Main Street
Newberry SC


Newberry Reformed Presbyterian Church in Newberry South Carolina


Pastor's Articles

pastor’s articles

(The ideas expressed in these articles are those of Seth Yi and not necessarily of the Session or the members of this congregation.)

click on the title below to read in a new window

The Organization of Veritas Presbytery - 9/12/24 (Posted at

A Response to Rev. Alex Lott’s “Second Presbytery and the ARP Constitution” - 9/4/24 (Posted at

The ARP Church Tightens its Grip on Congregations and Ministers - 8/21/24 (Posted at

Constitutional Crisis in the ARP Church: What is the Point of a Complaint? - 8/12/24 (Posted at

How a 224-Year-Old ARP Presbytery was Dissolved in a Day - 7/22/24 (Posted at

A Matter of Faith (Published in Newberry Magazine Sept/Oct 2023 Issue)

The Definition and Priority of Worship in the Christian Life - 6/29/23 (Published in The ARP Magazine Jul/August 2023

How Should We Then Repent? A Response to “COVID-19 Reflection - 6/23/23 (Posted at )

The Session’s Authority and Responsibility Concerning Public Corporate Worship - 1/17/22 (Posted at

Repent or Perish - 10/31/21 (Posted at

Incurring the Judgment of God - 11/28/21

Instituted by God - 10/29/21

Government Overreach - 9/25/21

Valuing Church Membership - 8/28/21

No Turning Back - 7/28/21

Pastoral Letter to Sessions Concerning Public Corporate Worship During Periods of Social Distancing - 5/13/20