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1701 Main Street
Newberry SC


Newberry Reformed Presbyterian Church in Newberry South Carolina

Family Feast

Family Feast

As God’s people, the encouragement and support we need to grow in our faith happens within the context of loving relationships. We need one another as we strive to follow our Lord as pilgrims and aliens in this world. We gather as a community of faith to be strengthened in our bond with Christ and one another.

  • Family Feast: Wednesday, 6:10 PM in the Fellowship Hall. We gather together for a time of table fellowship, singing, studying essential doctrines, and prayer.

  • Prayer Chain: If you have an urgent prayer request, please email or call Marc Faulkenberry, and he will distribute it via email. If you would like to be added to the distribution list, please email Marc. It is a privilege to lift up others in prayer to our great God.